registration for WDSF 2023
On this page you will find all informations about registration. Please read carefully and prepare the pedigree and workbook of your dog as PDF. It is obligatory to upload this during registration process.
If you do not have a scanner available you can easily help out with some apps on your phone like: CamScanner Android or CamScanner iPhone.
- Registration is done individually. Starting fee is 120 EUR per work discipline.
- For 2023 only members of WDSF member clubs may participate. The transition period ended in 2022.
- The dog must have FCI papers.
- The dogs must be registered on the day of the World Championship in the the National studbook or its appendix register of the country for which the handler resides.
- Disciplines:
The dog must have successfully passed at least one of the test levels before the World Championship for which it is entered.
The requirements for level 1 and 2 are according to the national rule book of the organizing country.
For level 3 the requirements according to the valid FCI rule book are valid.
For level 1 the requirements according to the valid FCI rule book apply.
For the WDSF open class, the requirements according to the FCI rules of class 2 or 3 must be fulfilled.
For all levels the admission requirements according to the FCI rules for the respective test level apply.
The dog has to have FCI papers
For more information, please see the Implementation rules on our website: https://wdsf.nl/about-wdsf/documents/